That is perhaps one of the common questions that you tend to come across quite frequently. Can you get car insurance without drivers license? The possible answer in all circumstances would be an emphatic NO. If the insurance companies do allow it, they would be going against the law. However, there are a few other options available such as assigning someone as co-owner, registering yourself as an excluded driver and assigning a primary driver.
It is as simple as that – If you have no drivers license, you cannot ride or drive a vehicle (as the case may be). If the insurance companies allow you to get car insurance without a drivers license, they are violating the government guideline.
But, there are a few situations, where it may be needed to get car insurance without a drivers license.
Why and How to Get Car Insurance Without Drivers License?
Many insurance companies have begun realising the need for these situations. That is perhaps there have been a few cases where you can get car insurance without driver license.
Imagine a situation where you are a car owner and do not necessarily drive the vehicle. Maybe you are a driver who has been prohibited from driving for some or the other reason. Or maybe you have been prohibited from driving a vehicle due to a health condition or perhaps an offence. However, even these people need to have some sort of cover.
Under ideal conditions, you can get such policies as temporary documents. These would serve as an option for a temporary period and serve only a specific purpose. Usually, the car insurance providers do not renew these car insurance policies without drivers license.
Why get car insurance without license?
You would perhaps think if I am not driving, why should I get car insurance. Maybe you are right in certain cases. But it isn’t a universal truth. Some regions make it mandatory to get your car insured if you want to register your car. Moreover, a few reasons would make it compulsory and illegal to park r drive a car that has not been insured.
Those legal obligations apart, there are a few other reasons that would make it mandatory to get car insurance without license. Some of the prime reasons we would recommend for opting for car insurance without drivers license would include
- Hooliganism and Damage – There are several reasons your car may be damaged. It may be human vandalism. It may also be because of the conditions due to weather. A car insurance would be helpful in those situations.
- Other driver at home – While you may not drive, someone else from your family may be driving. This can be why you need a car insurance as unlicensed driver.
- Suspended Licence – This is another reason that can make it a good option to obtain car insurance without drivers license.
- Theft Protection – Car insurance will provide you access to protection against theft and the reimbursement for any of the damages.
How to Get Car Insurance without Drivers License?
Well, we are now aware of the reasons as to why you should go for a car insurance without drivers license, the prime question now is how to get car insurance without drivers license. There are a few options that prove to to be handy enough in this situation.
It can be quite difficult to get car insurance without drivers license. However, it should not necessarily mean it is impossible to get one. There can be several reasons that can necessitate the requirement for a insurance without drivers license. The tips we shared above should ideally be helpful for you in getting access to the best possible solutions in acquiring the insurance without a license.
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