
Is Keto Diet Safe? #ExpertTips

Keto Diet has been one of the popular fad diets o late. The recent death of Mishti Mukherjee, an Indian actress has raised doubts about the diet. Is keto diet safe? Let us find out.

Keto diet is becoming a trend or a fad of late. Those in the public life have been into the keto diet which has been touted to be one of the prime options for a dramatic degree of weight loss regime. However, in recent times, experts have been claiming that the keto diet is not safe. Maybe it is high time we need to focus on the positive and negative effects of the keto diet. One of the classic cases that happened in recent times includes the death of an Indian movie star Mishti Mukherjee. It has opened the Pandora’s Box and resulted in the queries such as how safe is keto diet. If

Is the Keto Diet safe? Keto diet belongs to one of those aggressive diet plans. Such strict diet plans can cause a disoriented eating or can even result in social isolation. A badly planned or managed Keto diet can result in health conditions such as low blood pressure, kidney stones, constipation, nutrient deficiencies, and even result in heart disease. If you already have illnesses that involve pancreas, liver, kidneys and thyroid, it can be dangerous. 

What is Keto Diet?

Keto Diet has its origins in a process called Ketosis. Ketosis is a process in which the body has not enough carbohydrates to burn to produce energy and instead burns the fat already available in the body. Thus the keto diet has been found to be an effective option to achieve weight loss in just 10 days.

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Restricting the carbohydrates in the diet induces low sugar levels in the body. Thus your body will begin burning the fat to produce energy. Ketosis and Ketoacidosis are a form of health conditions caused by Type 1 Diabetes. In fact, it has been the prime cause of the death in many of the patients who have diabetes under the age of 24.

Creation of Keto diet has been attributed to Dr. Gianfranco Cappello, who was the associate professor of surgery in Rome. The study was conducted on 19000 people who wanted to lose weight to a considerable extent. They suffered only a few side effects and could maintain the weight loss for over a year. The studies concluded that the patients lost 10.2 kilograms after 2.5 cycles of the keto diet. It was finally concluded that the diet was successful in handling the perfect weight loss regime for obese and overweight people to lose weight.

Is the Keto Diet Safe? #Dangers of Keto diet

Experts believe that Keto diet is not safe. It has been considered to be useful only over a shorter duration and can be extremely unhealthy. Like Lisa Cimperman, R.D.N., a clinical dietitian at University Hospitals Case Medical Center in Cleveland, Ohio says,  “Once your body enters ketosis, you also begin to lose muscle, become extremely fatigued, and eventually enter starvation mode. Then it actually becomes even harder to lose weight,”

Is Keto healthy? Keto Diet can cause a few serious concerns with respect to health. A few such scenarios or dangers of Keto diet would include

#1. Decrease in metabolism

Weight loss resulting from Keto Diet can result in a decreased rate of metabolism. Keto Diet can cause a reduction in muscle mass as well. This can result in further a decrease in metabolism. Your weight regain after the diet can result in an increase in fat instead of lean muscle.

#2. Increased risk of heart diseases

Keto diet includes consumption of lots of vegetables and lean of animal protein. If Keto diet is used without the guidance from a nutritionist, you may end up eating high fat diets. This can increase the cholesterol levels which can further result in an increased risk of diabetes and heart diseases. In essence, Keto diet is called a cardiologist’s nightmare.

#3. Weight regain

Keto diet can be followed by weight regain. It may not be the right option for your needs in a long term weight loss regime. This can be a result of a disordered eating habit one can develop after This can further increase a growth in the bad food habit.

#4. Pressure on your Kidneys

Kidney stones can be yet another effect of the keto diet. Keto diet involves eating a lot of processed meat and this can be one of the prime reasons that can cause kidney stones or even renal failure. This is exactly what happened in the case of the Indian actor Mishti Mukherjee. High intake of animal proteins can make your urine acidic in nature. This can further cause an increased levels of calcium and uric acid. That should definitely make keto diet bad for you.

#5. Low Blood sugar levels

Low blood sugar levels can make you susceptible to even death or other complications if you are a diabetic. If you have Type 1 diabetes, keto diet should be a strict no for you.

Keto Diet Health Risks – Tips from health Experts

Keto diet is basically designed to provide you with an effective weight loss only in a few specific conditions when you need to lose weight in a short term. It does come with other issues or complications caused by high protein and fats intake.

Health experts claim that the Keto diet should not be followed by a person with ideal body weight. You should not go with the keto diet for more than 45 days in one go. Your body may suffer due to the starvation from other nutrients.

Should you be on Keto while Pregnant?

No. Do remember that Keto and pregnancy do not go hand in hand. It is not recommended to opt for keto while pregnant. First things first – there are several diets recommended for the pregnant women and  Keto is not definitely one of them!

You should be aware that a balanced diet during pregnancy is the key and experts never recommend picking keto during pregnancy. Keto diet and pregnancy can be a dangerous combination and can be dangerous for the health of both the baby and mother.

If you are wondering – is keto diet safe during pregnancy, it would be worthwhile to notice that keto is all about low-carb, high-fat diet and expects you to limit a huge number of nutrients as part of your weight loss regime. This is in sharp contrast to what a pregnant woman needs during pregnancy – a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, proteins, and all that in between!

In essence, keto diet is a plan to reduce weight and pregnancy definitely not the right time to reduce your weight.

“I would say wait, and eat what we know is okay during those nine months of gestation,”  so says Christine Greves, M.D., a board-certified ob-gyn at the Winnie Palmer Hospital for Women and Babies. If you need to lose weight, you can do so after having the baby.

In essence, Keto Diet is not something you should rely upon to lose weight on a long term basis. Even in the short term, it can be an invitation to dangers. Unless your dietician or nutritionist specifically recommends the Keto diet to you for any specific reason, we would not recommend opting for a Keto diet.

About the author

Donna Powell

Donna is a veteran journalist who has immense experience in online journalism and creating stories. On News Bulletins, she manages to write news articles from the Business and Entertainment industry. She does a lot of social services, and help the needy. She loves doing that. She has a masters degree in English literature, and that gives her an edge while writing. Along with writing news articles, she does check every news content before putting them live. She checks each news content, and edit them to make them even more correct, and readable.

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